Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fog Bank, August 20, 2012

Hello WeatherBrains listeners, this is the Fog Bank for August 20, 2012. Send me your choices for pics of the week on Twitter, @skydaver, on Google+ (link on the right, I think) or here on the blog.

First up, I found a photo of a stunning lenticular cloud.

My second pick is a new book by Gavin Pretor-Pinney, 'Clouds That Look Like Things'. You can find at I don't think it will ever make it to

Third, The Capital Weather Gang had a blog post with great pictures of a storm chase in the mid-Atlantic states, Friday, August 10

Fourth, USA Today had an article about current drought conditions, and soil conservation methods, compared to the Dust Bowl conditions of the 1930s

Finally, from NASA, a story and short video on the tracking of Hurricane Gordon

Send to JB, but he got disconnected before Picks of the Week.
The Capital Weather Gang has a discussion of this very active week in the Atlantic tropics

August 20 Fogbank Audio

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