Hey there, Weather Brains listeners (and if you aren't, you should be!) Thanks for checking out the Fog Bank. You can send me links on Twitter, where I'm @skydaver, or just post them here as comments.
Mike Moss sent a link of an interview he did with Susan Strom, who passed away in early August.
@spann @nsj @wxhistorian @HelenaWx @SkyDaver Tribute to Susan "Lightning Lady" Strom who died a few days ago
An article from EarthSky on the rainfall in the US Southeast this year.
Storm Geek@hamradioskywave 11:51 AM
Wind force unification scale, "Cade Kinetic Energy Factors": Compares Beaufort, Fujita, and Saffiir-Simpson: tinyurl.com/WxPro
I'll close with a set of different smart phone apps.
Yet another crowd sourcing weather app; this one seems to be a current conditions point of view, but I haven't fully explored it.
The app is called Weezoo. I'll provide the Google Play store link; I think it's also an iPhone app. I haven't found it to be very engaging or informative.
WeatherCaster, another weather app for your smart phone. Seems to be pretty good, with a nice main display of information, and a decent drill down.
When I first installed it, the app would crash half the time you brought it up. It does seem to be working better now.
The AccuWeather app is back on my phone. I'd deleted it a while ago, after perceiving a gross error in current conditions reporting. In retrospect, if I'm going to declare a weather app a crap app, I need to have specific details. AccuWeather gets a second chance. So far, so good.
Thanks for listening, Skydaver out.
For JB
From Earth Science Picture of The Day, a great picture of an Alpine Thunderstorm
Audio for Fog Bank
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