Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fog Bank, March 3, 2014

A dust storm from Cimarron County, Oklahoma. Earth Science Picture of the Day, of course.

Nick Walker, from The Weather Channel, passed on a wonderful Undulatus Asperatus cloud photo

For much of British Columbia, Canada, January was warmer than normal, causing some spectacular fogs.
Earth Science Picture of the Day has a nice photo taken January 24, 2104

Spaceweathergallery has a great photo of the Aurora, taken in Reykjavik. It has very little green in it, and the photographer thought at first he was seeing the effects of a volcano eruption

Halos and ice crystal arcs from Utah, featured at Earth Science Picture of the Day

It is March 3 as I record this. We had snow all over North Carolina. Other people have said this, but…
Go home, Winter. You're drunk.

Finally, a bit of audio about why the Fog Bank is part of Weather Brains. The Origins of the Fog Bank

For JB
An image from NASA MODIS satellites showing the Great Ice Rinks, or as they're more commonly known, the Great Lakes

Audio Fog Bank

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